
Below we present some examples of exceptionally interesting diploma theses carried out in our Department in the field of Mechatronics and we have collected several topics showing a wide spectrum of areas for potential cooperation on diploma theses.

Thesis title: Development of a measurement method of tire deformation in the process of its interaction with any surface (orig. in Polish: Opracowanie metody pomiaru deformacji opony w procesie jej interakcji z dowolnym podłożem)
Thesis type: engineer thesis
Academic year: 2012/2013
Author: Jakub Chołodowski
Thesis supervisor: Piotr Dudziński, Prof. Eng.
Additional information: The thesis was awarded the second-level prize in the Prof. Roman Sobolski thesis contest at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PWr.

Thesis title: A design of a next-generation transducer for measuring tire deformation (orig. in Polish: Projekt przetwornika nowej generacji do pomiaru deformacji opony)
Thesis type: master thesis
Academic year: 2014/2015
Author: Jakub Chołodowski
Thesis supervisor: Piotr Dudziński, Prof. Eng.
Additional information: The thesis was awarded the second-level prize in the Prof. Roman Sobolski thesis contest at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PWr and a patent in Poland (PL 226852).

Thesis title: A design of a new generation steering system with programmable reinforcement for an articulated vehicle (orig. in Polish: Projekt nowej generacji układu skrętu z programowalnym wzmocnieniem dla pojazdu przegubowego)
Thesis type: master thesis
Academic year: 2010/2011
Authors: Grzegorz Hapel i Grzegorz Puzio
Thesis supervisor: Piotr Dudziński, Prof. Eng.
Additional information: The thesis was awarded the first-level prize in the Prof. Roman Sobolski thesis contest at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PWr, the second degree award in the President of SIMP National Contest for the best thesis, a patent in Poland (PL 216468) and a Silver Medal at the International Fair for Invention, Research and New Techniques EUREKA 2011 in Brussels.

  • A control system design for an autonomous vehicle (orig. in Polish: Projekt układu sterowania dla pojazdu autonomicznego), year 2019, master thesis, supervisor: Aleksander Skurjat, PhD Eng.
  • Traction control for articulated vehicles (orig. in Polish: Kontrola trakcji dla pojazdów przegubowych), year 2019, master thesis, supervisor: Aleksander Skurjat, PhD Eng.
  • A system for monitoring the dynamic stability of a tracked excavator (orig. in Polish: System do monitorowania stateczności dynamicznej koparki gąsienicowej), year 2019, master thesis, supervisor: Andrzej Kosiara, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a system for dynamic, automatic weighting of the material transported in the bucket of a single-arm excavator (orig. in Polish: Projekt systemu do dynamicznego, automatycznego ważenia materiału transportowanego w łyżce koparki jednonaczyniowej), year 2017, master thesis, supervisor: Andrzej Kosiara, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a system for remote monitoring of medium and low power boiler plants (orig. in Polish: Projekt systemu do zdalnego monitoringu kotłowni średniej i małej mocy), year 2015, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A load swing damping system for a cantilever bridge crane (orig. in Polish: System tłumienia wahań ładunku dla suwnicy pomostowej natorowej), year 2014, master thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a tracking system for photovoltaic and solar collectors (orig. in Polish: Projekt systemu śledzącego dla ogniw fotowoltaicznych i kolektorów słonecznych), year 2014, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • Conceptual design of a control system for soil excavation process by an autonomous single-arm excavator (orig. in Polish: Projekt koncepcyjny systemu sterowania procesem odspajania gruntu przez autonomiczną koparkę jednonaczyniową), year 2014, master thesis, supervisor: Andrzej Kosiara, PhD Eng.
  • Design of laboratory test rig for testing tire wheels of off-road vehicles (orig. in Polish: Projekt stanowiska laboratoryjnego do badan kół oponowych pojazdów przemysłowych), year 2013, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A control system for a cantilever bridge crane (orig. in Polish: System sterowania suwnicą pomostową natorową), year 2012, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.