Control Engineering and Robotics

Below we present examples of exceptionally interesting diploma theses carried out in our Department in the field of Control Engineering and Robotics (former Automation and Robotics) and we have collected several topics showing a wide spectrum of areas for potential cooperation on diploma theses.

Thesis title: An innovative inspection vehicle capable of navigating vertical and underslug ferromagnetic surfaces (orig. in Polish: Innowacyjny pojazd inspekcyjny zdolny poruszać się po pionowych i podwieszonych powierzchniach ferromagnetycznych)
Thesis type: engineer thesis
Academic year: 2014/2015
Author: Krzysztof Szczurek
Thesis supervisor: Piotr Dudziński, Prof. Eng.
Additional information: The thesis was awarded the first-level prize in the Prof. Roman Sobolski thesis contest at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PWr, and was distinguished in the 7th edition of the Young Innovators 2015 contest for the best thesis.

  • A design of a road wheel made with the use of additive manufacturing technology for the Scorpio 7 rover (orig. in Polish: Projekt koła jezdnego wykonanego z wykorzystaniem technologii przyrostowej do łazika Scorpio 7), year 2021, engineer thesis, supervisor: Mariusz Kosobudzki, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a system based on a neural network for weighting the material in the bucket of an excavator (orig. in Polish: Projekt systemu bazującego na sieci neuronowej do ważenia urobku w łyżce koparki), year 2019, master thesis, supervisor: Andrzej Kosiara, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a medicine transport cart with a system for regulating storage and dosage parameters (orig. in Polish: Projekt wózka transportowego do leków z systemem regulacji parametrów przechowywania i dawkowania), year 2019, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a delta manipulator for industrial applications (orig. in Polish: Projekt manipulatora typu delta do zastosowań przemysłowych), year 2018, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A system for improving the stability of wheeled vehicle motion (orig. in Polish: System do poprawy stateczności ruchu pojazdów kołowych), year 2018, engineer thesis, supervisor: Aleksander Skurjat, PhD Eng.
  • A design of the measuring system of the test rig for testing the bucket loading process of a single-arm excavator (orig. in Polish: Projekt systemu pomiarowego stanowiska do badań procesu ładowania łyżką ładowarki jednonaczyniowej), year 2016, master thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a refrigeration unit for a mini-brewery (orig. in Polish: Projekt urządzenia chłodniczego do minibrowaru), year 2014, master thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.
  • A design of a research module to identify extraterrestrial life (orig. in Polish: Projekt modułu badawczego do identyfikacji życia pozaziemskiego), year 2013, engineer thesis, supervisor: Robert Czabanowski, PhD Eng.