Pro-quality subvention for our employees

Members of our Laboratory have received further funding to carry out research tasks and to purchase measurement equipment! The funds have been awarded as part of the intra-university programme “Initiative of Excellence” – Research University (in Polish: Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza – IDUB 2022) with funds from the pro-quality subvention of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The programme was dedicated to WUST employees who have completed their PhD within the last 10 years. Below is more detailed information on the awarded projects:

  1. Model of a system for identifying critical loads on the suspension components of a high mobility military wheeled vehicle for the requirements of the Health and Usage Monitoring System – HUMS and estimation of Remaining Useful Life – RUL
    Autor: Mariusz Kosobudzki, PhD Eng.
    Funding amount: 49 240 zł
    Measurement equipment to be purchased: HBM 1-CX22B-R recorder with external GPS antenna
  2. Method for modelling and identification of elastic-damping parameters of elastomeric belts and chains with elastomeric torsion joints, especially  off-road vehicles’ tracks
    Author: Jakub Chołodowski, PhD Eng.
    Funding amount: 39 818 zł
    Planned development activities for the Laboratory: Construction of a test rig for the determination of elastic and damping parameters of elastomer tracks

We would like to congratulate our employees and wish them further success!